In my profession, I meet many people who are too concerned about their physical fitness and they even follow a certain routine with consistency and dedication.
My constant yearning to explore new places coaxes me to take frequent vacations. And I usually do not like to disappoint myself. I pack my bags and set off to yet another new destination.
মহাদেৱ বৈ যোৱা…. মোৰ উশাহৰ প্ৰতিটো শিহৰণত
তোমাৰ অনুপস্থিতিত এই সন্ধ্যা বৰ বিৱৰ্ণ
জীৱনৰ প্ৰতি মূহুৰ্তত উশাহৰ অবিহনে যিদৰে জীৱন মূল্যহীন সেইদৰে ভালপোৱাৰ অবিহনে জীৱনৰ আনন্দ উপলব্ধিহীন।
My Name is Mrunal and I am a high-altitude trekker. I am fond of mountains and my fascination with the Himalayas has taken me on many beautiful trails and closer to the highest peaks of the world.